Glenn Richards "FIBATTY!"
“Such fear and fanciful notions took possession of the living that almost all of them adopted the same cruel policy, which was entirely to avoid the artists and everything belonging to them. By so doing, each one thought he would secure his own safety.” Boccacio, G 1348
The more things change, hahaha. Halfway through an Augie record I got trapped on the island. I knew, probably better than anyone, certainly better than many leaders of nations, that I would need to start work on something new.
Shortly I release “FIBATTY!”, a fully home brewed plague of another sort. An epidemic of songcraft and studio delight, an infestation of lyrical bastardy and filmic ecstasy. Eleven feverish trax, including the pre-album single In The Court of the Cat King, complete with a GR Joint home brew filim clip. Breathe it in and feel what it is to have wrath visited upon you by me, an artist. It is a good wrath and you will be full on it. Some say it is my best work yet.
Richards, G 2020